Index of /media/class/[] Udemy - Manage Finance Data with Python & Pandas Unique Masterclass/

0. Websites you may like/                          06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
1. Getting Started/                                06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
10. Financial Data - Advanced Techniques (Rolli..> 06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
11. Create and Analyze Financial Indexes/          06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
12. Create, Analyze and Optimize Financial Port..> 06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
13. Modern Portfolio Theory & Asset Pricing (CA..> 06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
14. Forward-looking Mean-Variance Optimization ..> 06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
15. Interactive Financial Charts with Plotly an..> 06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
16. ----- PART 3 THE FINANCIAL ANALYST CHALLENG..> 06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
17. ---------- PART 4 ADVANCED TOPICS ---------..> 06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
18. ------------------ APPENDIX ---------------..> 06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
19. Appendix 1 Python Crash Course (optional)/     06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
2. -- PART 1 DATA ANALYSIS WITH PYTHON & PANDAS..> 06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
20. Appendix 2 Numpy Crash Course (optional)/      06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
21. Bonus/                                         06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
3. Pandas Basics/                                  06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
4. Pandas Intermediate Topics/                     06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
5. Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn/ 06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
6. Pandas Advanced Topics/                         06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
7. ----- PART 2 FINANCIAL DATA ANALYSIS ------/    06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
8. Time Series Data in Pandas Introduction/        06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -
9. Financial Data - Essential Workflows (Risk, ..> 06-Oct-2022 15:54                   -